Content Management System (CMS) tool built with CRUD operations on user interface (UI) and MySQL database. This allows me to keep track and edit Globe Bank prototype website.Tools and Technology used: Html/CSS, PHP, MYSQL/MYSQLI
Calculator App Very basic calculator application created by Java **Swing**. Requirements 🔧 * Java version 8 or higher. ### Installation 🔌 1. Press the **Fork** button (top right the page) to save copy of this project on your account. 2. Download the repository files (project) from the download section or clone this project by typing in the bash the following command: git clone 3. Imported it in Intellij IDEA. 4. Run the application :D
“Guess the Number” game. The computer will think of a random number, and ask you to guess it. The computer will tell you if each guess is too high or too low. You win if you can guess the number within five tries.This is a good game to code because it uses random numbers, loops, and input from the user in a short program. You’ll learn how to convert values to different data types, and why you would need to do this. Since this program is a game, we’ll call the user the player. But “user” would be correct too.
In this project I draw a bunch of squares which form circle and for this I used the turtle module from python library and also used the Turtle class which is inside the turtle module.So let's draw this.Python contains an interesting drawing module called Turtle. This module is available as part of the standard python distribution. Turtle consists of a number of graphics operations modelled after pen drawing. In this article I will show you how we can use the turtle commands to draw circle based shapes.
This was my short PHP project for Web Development.
Hospital management system project in php. Online hospital management system project is based on php, JavaScript and css. The registration process for hospital management system project manage for hospital system. This system is manage adding new doctors and user can new listing of doctor , manage patient records managing appointments can be through patients id and doctor id doctors and medical staff is very simple and fast.
A Library Management System with PHP and MySQL
This project is the prototype of a Simple Library Management System. Librarian has a provision to add book details like ISBN number, book title, author name, edition and publication details through the web page. In addition to this, librarian or any user has a provision to search for the available books in the library by the book name. If book details are present in the database, the search details are displayed on the web page.